Sunday, July 22, 2007

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga Workshop

with Stephanie at Synergy Studio, Oneroa

Saturdays, July 28th and Aug 11th from 9:30-11am.

Cost is $30 for both days or $20 for one.

Please email to register.

No yoga experience necessary.

****Also Two New Beginner classes with Stephanie have been added to the Timetable Tues 4:30-6pm and Thurs 11:30-1pm.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Yoga Waiheke

The yoga teachers on Waiheke Island are getting together....very exciting stuff. Will post the new "Yoga Waiheke" timetable later this week.... Ashtanga yoga, Hatha yoga, Yoga by candlelight, restorative yoga and more.

For now...the Ashtanga class timetable has changed slightly:

Monday 12-2pm with Stephanie, Mysore Style
Wednesday 12-2pm with Stephanie, Mysore Style
Thursday 11:30-1pm with Stephanie, Talk Thru Beginner
Friday 11-1pm with Stephanie, Mysore Style
Sunday 9-10:30am with Jenny, Talk Thru Beginner

All levels welcome.

