Monday, November 2, 2009

The Breathing Space is Open


Unknown said...

Mediation yoga
Yoga has been known worldwide for some years now and it has become very popular on the entire planet. Millions of people engage into it for various reasons everyday. But even though it has tremendous benefits and millions of people stand as proof to that, there are still some that do not really believe in its health benefits. But can those contradict the millions of people whom have already tried and benefited from it

Sonam Sen said...

A lot of people today are interested in Ashtanga Yoga poses. Basically, what ashtanga means in Sanskrit, is “eight limbs” (ashta stands for eight and anga for limb), which refers to the fact that the traditional yoga consist of 8 interconnected elements. Also, as modern times took their toll on many things, yoga wasn’t to be left aside in this storm of change.Aahtanga Yoga